You’re looking for the right power supply and would like to have a recommendation? You have an old charger from your smartphone lying around and would like to use it for your Raspberry Pi 2?

In this article I show you what you have to look out for and which power supplies are highly recommended.

The proper power supply depends of which USB devices you want to connect to your PI. For better understanding I created a sample calculation.

Sample calculation

Device Power consumption (Ampere)
Raspberry Pi 2 0,8 A
Wifi-Stick 0,1 A
2,5 USB-Drive 0,5 A
USB-Stick 0,1 A
Total 1,5 A

In full load this configuration would require 1,5 A current. According to this you should pick the right power supply.

In this case you would need a power supply with 5V, 1,5A at least.


Can I use the power supply of my old smartphone?

Of course this is possible, just make sure the voltage is 5V and it provides enough current.


So many values on the power supply, which ones are important for me?

There are many numbers and symbols on power supplies , it’s easy to lose a clear overview and become confused.

Make sure, that the value “Output” (often abbreviated as O) is 5V. Right after this value you find the electriv current, in this example 1,5 A.

powerpi_netzteil_raspberry_pi_2_angabenTherefore the power supply on this photo is suitable for the Raspberry Pi 2.


Power supply recommendations

Here you can find some power supplies you can’t go wrong with.



Power Supply Recommendation
Canakit 2.5 A Power Supply Amazon US  Ebay US
Raspberry Pi Official 2A Amazon UK  Ebay UK
Raspberry Pi Official 2A Amazon UK  Ebay UK